The Person I Most Need To Forgive

Brian Harrell   -  

There is a person that I really need to forgive but I find it hard to.

I know him so well.

I’ve had so many negative dealings with him in my life.

He can be so fake.

So insensitive.

His pride knows no limits.

He can be unbending and arrogant.

He is constantly comparing and competing.

I’ve known him to be lustful and hypocritical.

He constantly puts himself first, says dumb things and has joyfully pointed out the wrongs in others while ignoring his own wrongs.

He can put on a good show by talking about the Bible to others.

He thinks he’s smarter than he is.

He has probably hurt me 1000 times and counting.


So, I decided to forgive him.

I decided to release him.

I forgive Brian Harrell.


Wait! That’s me!


My own worst enemy is me. I believe that the longer we walk with Jesus, the more we understand our own frailness and sinfulness. The stronger the Spirit grows within us, the more we cannot stand the ugliness of sin. Like Paul we cry out, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? (Romans 7:24).”


Fortunately, Romans doesn’t end with Chapter 7. Chapter 8 states the glorious truth that Jesus rescues and the Spirit fills and love is poured out and we are adopted into God’s family, warts and all.


I forgive Brian. After all, his Father has forgiven him and his sin hurt his Father 10,000 times more than it hurt anyone else.